The Lesson of Life : From failure to success
There Is Only Lessons! There comes a time in life when we face the failure. Failure means lack of success in doing or achieving something.
Failure is the most important part of success. If you haven't failed, you haven't tried something new. You need to do is stay positive and confident. We sometimes forget that all successful people failed they
Stood up and tried again, time after time.
When people are successful, we always focus on their success not on the year of struggle, failure and trying again and again. We only see the bright side and don't want to or forget about the years of hard work, while those year mostly bring the most inspiring and motivational stories.
So do not be afraid of failure , it is a part of
Your road to success.
"You Never Fail Until You stop trying"
. Success comes from experience and experience comes from failure.
Inspiring lines😍